Connecting the Dots: Cleansing The Country!

Gawahpost-it-yellow copyAssuming you’re familiar with the changing political face of India, the upcoming elections spell suspense, anxiety and thrill for the politician and the common man, alike. There’s so much to happen, waiting for the flag to be waved to the wind. The gears have shifted and the anxiety has kissed our souls. It’s time for a change, or is it?

A view from the top does not seem appeasing. There’s no apparent way to connect these dots outright. The sprawling diversity of political parties have inked the country’s canvas in despicable shades of scams and deceits. Initiatives and promises are party-centered rather than people-centered and promises here, as old saying goes, are made to be broken. The nation’s future still depends on ballot boxes and EVMs.

Whether the infected Indian polity will get the deep cleansing it needs to wipe away corruption, curb inflation and appease the growing cognizance of population will be evident with time. As these parties continue to share the same canvas, connecting dots in their reach in the best way might help. Striking in disarray won’t give these dots a shape.

In an ideal world, dividing the whole canvas (country, in this case) into certain logical segments and concentrating on developing only these segments without exterior political influence could help. Each part of the canvas (say, each state of country) could funnel resources in developing itself; in a way decentralizing power for a greater good where the sum of parts is greater than whole. That’s how the 29 states of India should have been – competing in development, easing lives, flourishing education, fueling change and become an ideal entity. But things as such as deemed impractical and unbelievable in the real world. If only, we could.

Regardless, with elections just around the corner, the ice layer of incognizance is melting fast. It won’t be long before the country witnesses another breakthrough in its political victory in the next few weeks to come. Right now, I am going back to connect the dots and give them a shape; neat and flawless – worthy of drawing attention. Or, at least I will try. Would you care to join?

One thought on “Connecting the Dots: Cleansing The Country!

  1. Wonderful thought Mr. Shahbaaz. The article is really inspirational. As you say that promises are party centered rather public centred, It will take a lot for a common man to bring back the political trust. Hoping for Aam Aadmi party to do something good and inspirational else we the people will be in No Man’s Land and No where to go.

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